Thursday, July 20, 2023

Chapter 244 - part (3) of (4)



“Then I left them to it,” he said, “and checked on the next playroom. This time it was indeed the new guest 6911, together with The Terror Twins as Tutresses.”


“Good evening, Davina,” said one, “you’re back sooner than we expected.” He inspected her eye expression minutely. “Yes….Sammy,” he replied, “the Police kindly provided a lift for a deviant damsel in distress. However, LPC Hurst-Howe will be visiting your Mother’s house shortly, to interview Relay. She’d like to take him up on his filthy fantasies for having an interrogation….and will also be a Guard….” there were two thumbs-up, “….are you making much progress with our newest guest?”


He was handcuffed, bending forward, and locked inside a balls pillory. The results of his evening Diet Of Discipline could clearly be seen, with eight red stripes spaced all across his seat. Each one was raised and red, which wasn’t surprising since they’d been staccato style in threes. “Not terribly well, Davina,” said Pretty Patty, “since it took us almost an hour of beating him about before he’d even agree to touch twat with his tongue. We started by slapping his face substantially, but following its failure we resorted to stronger tactics. As you know only too well, dudes have no defence against testicular torment. So we cropped his crotch continually until he capitulated….and cried. We’ve explained the process of pussy pleasing, but he still hasn’t achieved any sort of success….” she shrugged, “….we’ve plenty of time to get it right.”


He strutted around, and sure enough there was a face of fear. “Not so cocky now, are we….guest 6911?” he enquired sweetly. “Yer could ’ave said sumfing,” he muttered, “Ah never expected ter be locked up wiv some sodding sadistic sluts….” SLAPP “….Ahhh….” SLAPP “….Ahhh,” he added, as she slapped him again. “I’d keep such sentiments to yourself,” he suggested, “since there’ll now be several strokes added to your beat sheet….” he paused, “….and I DID say something. However your penis was well away on Planet Pussy, when your brain wasn’t engaged. I gather it’s THE Hardnut Quarry for you all day tomorrow….so sleep well, if you can, since you’ll need all your strength.”


“Which actually wouldn’t do any good,” he said, “as he’d be worked until he dropped. I once watched SamSam in such a situation whilst water bowsing, when he’d keeled over from sheer exhaustion. Then the Guards whipped him where he lay, in utter degradation and despair. Anyway, I left the Twins to their not-so tender mercies, and strutted back to my own cell. I shed the Happy Hooker hosiery, folding it neatly to the floor, and enjoyed a good night’s sleep….my first for quite a while. The following morning I awoke to find I’d been cuffed and shackled again. Over breakfast, the Guards left us all a leaflet to read.”


Bikes Spikes™

Cycling will never be the same!

Excellent either for shared suffering, or to show your subbie or slave some Superiority. These special saddles replace the traditional type. They are completely covered with a series of short semi-sharp spikes on the seat (bared bottoms are best). But the posterior punishment whilst peddling is simply for starters. For studs, the scrotum is separated by spikes (situated in the sensitive space between both balls). The shaft is similarly stimulated, to provide plenty of penile pain. For sluts, a specially spiked cylindrical stick works its wicked way within the labial lips, Cycling starkers is soundest, but there are white latex rainwear Modesty Macs available (if you must) either for shy souls, or locations where exhibitionism and exposure aren’t exactly encouraged. A smooth saddle cover is provided for the return run, after you’ve enjoyed some filthy fun and frolics in the fields. (studied sadists may prefer to pass)

Only NP29 6s 0d each (NP25:60) including full fitting instructions (illustrated). Modesty Macs NP10 3s 0d (NPΦ:30) single size fits all. Smooth saddle covers NP6. Flat rate postage NP3. Overseas & retail enquiries welcome. Buy today from your local branch of Foibles, or direct from Sex Spikes Ltd. Gross House, 144 Pin Street, Great Payne, Birmingham 12.



The Guards graciously removed their smooth steel balls bands and the leashes on their legs, however these were the only concessions. Three guests and one gaolbird were still starkers as they padded out of the courtyard, where four bicycles were waiting against one wall. The numbers were low, since Gerald Genial had disappeared….and ALF would be elsewhere.


Andrea Pawling wasn’t present either, presumably also departed? “Take the B3696,” said Sexy Sammy, “the same road as Davina and I went the other day, so he can lead the way. Turn left just past the Naff Caff….” she sniggered slightly, “….WE can stop off for a cuppa if you wish, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Pennance’s charter doesn’t extend there, and anyway you’d need to take your chances with any number of macho male truckers. We’ll be waiting for you at Lover’s Leap Falls, to check everyone’s arrival. You can have a breather there for an hour….and then it’ll be back again. After lunch, it’ll be the Genny Genny Genny.”


“It’s the General Genitorture Generator….” he explained, as Dinah brought the desserts, and set them down. They were an enticing jam roly-poly, with cream and custard, “….which I’d done last year. Essentially it’s a treadmill with a very large, long, slatted rotating drum. The guests are required to walk continually with each wrist attached to the ceiling by a Rope Of Rack And Ruin. If you get too far out of line, you know all about it, since your scrotum is stretched. Needless to say, the guests are whipped well by the Guards. It’s a case of endless work until finally you fall and are firmly flogged for failure.” She giggled girlishly. “Rather like The Box Room at The Styx, Shagger?” she suggested. “Quite so,” he agreed, “but back to the bikes. Needless to say, there was no trace of any Modesty Macs.”


“Ahhh….ahhh….Oh My Gonads,” he gasped, sitting on the saddle, and the semi-sharp spikes skewered his seat, scrotum and shaft. Carefully, she clipped a short chain between the saddle and his waistband. “We wouldn’t want you standing,” she said, clipping his cuffs to the handlebars, “to avoid all agonies. Cycle single-file, in accordance with the highway code.” She moved onto the heiress. “Ahhh….ahhh,” gasped AAAHH, “Oh My Groin,” whilst Pretty Patty prepared the noble knight and Grim Jim. Then we set off, and peddling was painfully pleasurable. As his legs rotated, his shaft was stimulated. He glanced back, and from the heiress’ expression of ecstasy it was clearly the same situation with her slit. So for a pussy pain pervert, it wouldn’t present much of a problem.


Half an hour later, they were passed by CUT 1E, with both Twins waving. It was only a mile further to Daff’s Caff. He saw they’d parked, and were standing drinking mugs of tea….whilst being chatted up by several not-so salubrious specimens. Don’t do it, he radioed to them, since it’s the spider and the fly. Alf’s Transport : surbiton was still where he’d left it….which wasn’t going anywhere anyway, owing to its deflated tyres.


Then he saw an old-fashioned finger signpost to LOVERS LEAP FALLS. He’d have raised his left arm to signal his intentions, however it was immobilized. So any passing motorists would just have to manage. It was another mile of winding lane before they reached their destination. There was nothing there, apart from an otherwise empty car park. Then The Terror Twins arrived. “Well done, everyone,” said Sexy Sammy as she released them, “you’re all a bit hot and bothered, so you can stand in the falls to cool off.” Thanks for nothing….since it amounted to yet another involuntary cold shower.


“They kept us underneath for what seemed forever,” he said, “by which time several cars had arrived, and provided us with an appreciative audience. Apparently the Twins had told them we were members of the Pennance Masochist Society, and how we likewise loved rolling in the snow, as they do in cold climes. Then after the advertised breather, it was back on the bikes for our weary way home. We met LPC Hurst-Howe in her Police car just after the NAFF CAFF, who gave us a cheery wave. In one way I’d have preferred to have been arrested for indecent Exposure, since we’d have been spared some cycling suffering.” She smiled. “I don’t suppose there were any Smooth saddle covers….?” she asked, and he simply stared, “….sorry, a silly question.” He took a second sip of coffee.


“We’ll move on to my last day,” he said, “which I didn’t know at the time. It was late afternoon, and I’d spent most of the afternoon suffering inside my cell. My dearest Aunt Marge appeared, and handed me two large baskets with a long list and some cash. Sure enough, it was my turn to do some Shocking Shopping. I thought I might be doing dinner for the Guards again, but apparently there were some new guests rostered for the job. I clanked carefully to THE SQUARE, since my ankles were still chained. Lady Alicia Harborne was present in the PILLORY, so I was able to apply some Sexist Smacks and test the echo again. I finally found everything in the Pennance General Store, and took it all to the till….manned by the owner. The church clock had struck for five, and she’d closed for business, so I was her last customer of the day.”


“It’ll be twendy three new-poendz, three shillingz, Shaggerr,” said Alice Terrier as he handed her two notes and a 3s coin. She responded with a till receipt, which confirmed payment of NP27 3s 0d (NP23:30). “Oi’ll give you a helping harnd barck to The Old Police Station,” she said, picking up a holdall and switching off the lights. Then he followed her outside, and she locked the shop. “Ohh….ohh,” he moaned, clanking along THE SQUARE, as she softly stroked his seat and shaft. Presumably some free fanny and fancy fondling was what she’d had in mind? It was interesting how London Transport had recently recruited Touch-up Teams to stop sex pests Touching Up Talent on tube trains. But when the tables were turned, it was….well, all hands on dick?” What wonderful wit….as they continued their journey.


Several minutes later they arrived, and again the front door was open. “There you are at last, Guest 13045,” said Aunt Marge, as though it had all been his fault. But if it were a problem, she could always have sent him out earlier….SMACKK SMACKK “….Oww,” he gasped. “Stop trying to shift the blame,” she said, her apparent mind reading skills still second to none, “and take the goodies into The Canteen. Guests 12350 and 12352 need the parsnips as a matter of urgency, to start the soup for our supper. Then get back to your cell. Meantime, I believe Alice wants a few words?”


They disappeared in the direction of the library, and he continued into the kitchen. “Greetings, guys,” he said to Tittle-tattle, “I’ll find your veggies….” he set the baskets down and rummaged around, “….glad you could make it here. Although, YOU probably won’t be very shortly, since it’s almost time for your evening Diets Of Discipline. What are your Indictments?” He put parsnips on to the table. “Thanks, Shagger….” said John Title, “….needless to say,” Adrian Turtle continued, “it’s Ogling….but then we WERE once in The Six glers.” Or otherwise dorm 6O. “There’s no shortage of objects for Ogling Obviously Over,” he agreed, “but beware, since Staring At Skirts is worth a whack. Unless you’re pleasing pussy, when one is whipped well.”


They both grinned. “Just as it should be, Shagger….” said Tittle, “….I’m sure we’ll fit in fine,” added Tattle as he clanked out. Then it was down the steps into the cellblock until he reached his own….Cell 6, his lucky number. It was after The Prisoner, the 1960’s TV cult classic, which had starred dear old Patrick McGoohan. The Village had been inescapable….well, fromable, and Pennance wasn’t much better. His own Indictment Indicator adorned the door, and he clanked inside to see a vision of beauty, seemingly stern. “There are ten whacks owing on your beat sheet, guest 13045….” said LPC Sheila Hurst-Howe, now fully adorned in the Reformatory regalia, “….so assume the Position.”….yes MA’AM, as he complied.


Swishhhthwackkkk    Swishhhthwackkkk

“Ooo..HOO….TWO, thank you, Ma’am,” he gasped. “The staccato style was always my favourite form of flogging,” she said, “preferably in pairs, to reinforce the rattan….” so another studied sadist, “….I shall enjoy this immensely, having noted how your neat little bottom is so similar to Relay’s….” as indeed he’d been told often enough.


Swishhhthwackkkk    Swishhhthwackkkk

“Yi..HI….FOUR, thank you, MA’AM,” he gasped with one of the Hurting Hellos, “….simply Asking for the cane….” thus another two dollars, “….I was once deputy headmistress at St Mobius Secondary Modern, which was known as The S&M….” for fairly obvious reasons, “….now lie on your bed.” He obeyed instantly.



“YAYY..HEYY….SIX, thank you, MA’AM,” he gasped, with the second, “We used to swish students starkers in our studies,” she said, “reporting for the rattan was usually called a Mobius Strip….” what wonderful wit, “….but then the Governors went all namby-pamby, and decided to make it a progressive school. I knew discipline would go to the dogs, which it did, and it closed a couple of years later….” Iain Terrence Hayter would have approved.



“YEOWWW..WOWW….EIGHT….a straight eight, thank you so much, MA’AM,” he gasped, “….after which I joined the Cornwall County Constabulary. But it’s good to be back beating bad boys’ bare bottoms again….especially when they’re such competent canees.”



“YIKES..YIKES….TEN….a total of ten, thank you, MA’AM. I know I needed them all.” For whatever it was, since he’d long since lost track. “It included Six For Sex,” she said, suddenly standing beside him, “….a Caning For Cunt….” his eyes automatically shifted to a sensitive spot, as he contemplated coitus, “….alas not mine….” then whose? “….although I’m hopeful we’ll rectify this deficiency during your next visit to Pennance. However it’s one more whack for Staring At Skirts….and a second for Leching Longingly Like A Loser.”



“YEOUCHH..OUCH….TWELVE….a dozen due, thank you, MA’AM. I was guilty as charged on both counts….ohh,” he added as she stroked his stripes with the stick. “Stand up….Shagger,” she said, “since you’re now officially Reformed….for the moment.” Slowly, he did so, and she released all his smooth steel shackles. “Your guest reward is in the duty room.” SMACKK  SMACKK “….Oww,” he gasped, “I also wanted to test YOUR echo in the PENNANCE PILLORY….but this will do for now. I’m giving Relay a tumble in the Police station next Sunday, along the lines you suggested….” he hadn’t actually any idea what day of the week it was? “….but for this evening, he’ll be busy bonking AAAHH, for her gaolbird reward in my bed at Nettle Cottage….” she smiled, “….it’s well named, so I strongly suspect stinging nettles….” probably up against pussy, knowing her predilection for painful poking, “….take your Indictment Indicator down, since we’ll need Cell 6 shortly for guest 12350 and 12352….” he hadn’t known Tittle-tattle’s numbers before now, “…..disappear, before my resolve fails completely, and I decide to run you in for indecent exposure on a bicycle….” Oops, “…..Mmmm,” she concluded, kissing him hard, and handling his hiney.


Au revoir, Ma’am,” he said, padding out into the corridor and rolling up the sheet as a suitable souvenir. It was only a few steps to his destination, and he opened the door. “Who’z been a bard boy….?” asked Alice Terrier, standing sternly by the bed. Her Miss Whiplash wear was basically a black bodice which failed to cover anything of importance. There were also matching gloves, which currently held a French flogger. Finally there were long black Sinatra-style laced thigh-boots, and a spiked Mistress collar affected the apparition an added attraction. “Me, Ma’am,” he muttered, kneeling naked in the Position For Pleasuring. “Marrge warz warnting to whip you,” she said, spreading her legs, “but Oi assurred herr you’d still sufferr forr yourr sinz, so starrt by Humping Harlotz with head. Then do Nuzzling Nubilez with noze….” delighted, “….Oi make merre malez meet moi marrtinet, with simulteneoz strafing of shoulders.”


“Then it was Tickling Tarts with tongue,” he said, “for a captivating Celtic cunt, one which seemed so similar to The Terror Twins’ twats. It must have been a dozen orgasms.” Then Dinah appeared again with coffee and milk jugs. “Half and half, please,” she said, as it was poured. “The same….” he said, as some spilled onto the tablecloth, “….one whack for chronic Carelessness….?” she nodded, as he picked up the cane, and the Waitress assumed the position again….SWISHHTHWACKKK “….Oww….so sorry, Sir.” He arose, and strutted stiffly from the room. “Help yourself to sugar, Shagger,” she said wittily. “No thanks,” he replied, “since I’m sweet enough as it is.” She rolled her eyes at the well-worn witticism.



After another age of agonies, she patted his head and handed him the flogger. Then she lay down on the bed with her legs wide, apparently in preparation for what-ho? “Oi recall thiz room iz where you failed to fuck moi Twinz forr a second toime,” she said. “Yes, Alice,” he agreed, “it was two years ago, during my Holiday From Hell. I’d had a night of frustration fun, sleeping with them whilst shackled to this very bed. Then in the morning, they sixdy nined themselves whilst I watched….and wanked worthlessly.”


“It’s a twin thing,” he said sourly, “taking tongues to twats is a light Lesbian leaning, one frequently fancied by favourite and firm female friends….as we all know.” She coloured slightly, and stared suddenly at the floor. “Moving on,” she muttered.


She winked once. “Art the toime,” she said, “Oi rairkoned Oi’d missed oat arn yourr marn meat, frarm harving a previouzly arranged date. Bart when Oi hearrd arboat whart hard harpened, Oi didn’t feel so bard. Thairn larzt year, Oi warz away durring yourr Reforrmatorry week, so it’z thirrd toime lucky.” Nice to know. “This time I’ll get it right, Alice,” he assured her, “so thank you for helping me rewrite history….in accordance with the way I ought to have handled it.” She smiled widely, and stroked her slit. “Sheila’z given you yourr Sairx Thrarshing,” she confirmed, “so we’rre good to go. Oi’d have done the honourz moizelf, but she’z hard dezoignz arn yourr delectable dairryairr forr dayz.” He winced slightly at the mangled French….although some of the English words weren’t much better.


“In one way I was relieved it was only her….and Six For Sex,” he said, “since Sammy and Pats’ cunt currencies are both a dozen due. Although they do offer what they’re pleased to call a quantity dis-cunt. It’s a forceful fourdeen….” formerly a sinful sixteen, “….for bonking both beautiful Birds, as a Bi-some threesome. With them, one REALLY pays for pleasure.” 


“Whip Bair Pussy,” she urged….in accordance with Pats’ middle names of Wilma Bam-Bam Pebbles….THWAPP “….UHHH….” THWAPP “….UHHH,” she moaned, like Mother like daughters, she was another pussy pain pervert….THWAPP “….UHHH….YEZZ….YEZZ.” He waited until she’d stopping cumming, and her eyes fluttered open. “Fuck me,” she said. “UHHH,” he moaned as his pulsing penis passed her pussy, which was wet. “Fuck Me Harrderr….UHHH,” she urged, in accordance with Felicity Mary Helena….Sammy’s middle names. Always happy to help hump. “UHHH….UHHH….UHHH….UHHH….” he was seriously full and frustrated, and would spunk any second, “….UHHH….YESS….YESS….YESS.” His successive spurts produced another orgasm for her. “YEZZ….YEZZ….YEZZ,” she echoed.


“When the room had stopped revolving,” he said, “we adjourned upstairs to the Canteen, and I sorted out some dinner for us both. Then it was back into the duty room, whereupon I enjoyed a good night’s sleep….with convivial company. We had a second screw the following morning….accompanied obviously by another Caning For Cunt. Then I showered, and dressed in my Smart Suit. Relay called round in his car, offering a ride to the railway station….as also accompanied by Lady Alicia Harborne. We travelled together to LiskearD, and I continued to ReadinG GeneraL. Then I changed for LetchhamptoN TowN, where my philandering father met me for the ride home. So there you have it….not in full, but at least the essentials.” She nodded. “A long litany of licentiousness, lust and leching….” she said, finishing her second cup of coffee and mopping her mouth, “….so nothing new. Let’s go into the lounge, and allow Dinah to tidy up in here.”


He followed her out of the room. “Ohh,” he gasped lightly, sitting on the settee, and she smiled. “Still a slightly sore seat, Shagger?” she asked knowingly. “Yes,” he replied, “it was an Awesome Foursome last night….with one stud and some sluts. The downside was all the derrière discipline, with three comprehensive Canings For Cunt.” Suddenly Sexy Sally strutted into the room, and it had been many months since he’d seen her. Automatically, he Leched Longingly Like A Loser, since she was wearing a red Strip-me Suit. It was liberally laced with big brass zips running up each garment, all endowed with a large ♀ shaped fastener. Each Strip-me Sleeve had a zip from the wrist to the collar, whereas the waistcoat offered one from the pelvis to the neck. But the prize was the strict short Strip-me Skirt, with zips up each side, front and back. Inevitably it came complete with matching leather boots.


She was accompanied by a dapper young man a few years older than himself, and he arose. “Good evening, Sally….and Sir.” he said politely. “Shagger,” she said, “this is Roddy. We met earlier at the Conservative Club….” her presence must have been appreciated by all concerned….apart perhaps from elderly members, to whom she’d given coronaries, “….and we’ve just called in to….well, deal with a couple of things first. I’m just popping upstairs to pack my overnight bag….” Ohh, “….when we’re done and dusted, we’ll head off for his Flat in town.”


Fair enough….as they shook hands. He’d an inkling what would be involved, however it appeared the other might well not? “I’m pleased to meet you, Mr Diamond….” he said, jumping straight towards the wrong conclusion, “….since I suppose the weirdo with the apron is presumably some sort of servant?” Oops….even as their Hostess maintained an eloquent silence. “Here’s my Calling Card, Sir,” he said politely, handing it over before any more damage was done. “Ohh,” he replied, “I’m so sorry, Mr Shagton. I’m afraid it was your crew cut which caused the problem. It makes you appear markedly more mature, and I’d decided you must be Sally’s dad….” thanks a bunch, “….I was confused by the cretin when we came in through the kitchen….” how to dig yourself deeper into a hole? “….however, here’s mine.”


Roderick Ian Pinnock, LLB

articled clerk

Wiseman & Son, Solicitors

High Street, Letchhampton

telephone: 26979 (4 lines)


“My initials are really rather appropriate….” he continued, and apparently blissfully unaware of the look of thunder on Jeanette Diamond’s face, “….since most of my time is spent with wills, and estate taxation planning….” very good, “….but what does Vaillance Holdings PLC do….for you to be their so-called Group Special Services Compliance Advisor?” The slight sarcasm was unmistakeable, however he’d be sorry he asked. It was easily addressed, having been briefed by his firm friend….Sir Digby Vaillance.


“We’re an international conglomerate,” he replied airily, handing the Card to Jeanette Diamond, “owning four gold mines in Africa, a couple of container shipping companies, Australian Airlines, quite a number of factories in China, with several chains of shops both in Europe and the United States.” He appeared impressed….with what was essentially a crushing put-down. It was the international man of mystery, as against a country bumpkin of no particular account. “So did Sally mention anything about what happens when one meets her Mother?” he enquired.


“She did say something about stick,” he replied, as their Hostess arose stiffly, “but naturally I assumed she was joking….” which she wasn’t, “….I don’t go in for such sordid stuff myself….” oh, dear, “….although old Mr Wiseman does keep a crooked cane on one wall in his office….” she strutted out of the room,  “….I’ve occasionally heard him hitting the other articled clerks’ hineys with it, when they’ve made a mess of something. However I told him at the outset this wasn’t something with which I’d be at all comfortable….” he shrugged, “….I believe they’re all members of the Central Letchhampton Adult School Sessions....” The CLASS Caning Club, where one might meet and beat big bad boys….and similar sinful sluts, “….but I’m relieved my rear hasn’t received the rattan since leaving school.”


This would be difficult, since he was presumably vitriolic vanilla? “So you’re simply seeking to screw Sexy Sally?” he enquired, “preferring perfectly plain poking?” The other nodded. “Yes,” he replied, “a bonk, bath and bed….with more fucking fun the following morning, before work.” Worse and worse. “Do you offer oral appreciation?” he asked, confidently expecting a negative. Sure enough, there was a slight shiver of distaste. “Certainly not,” he replied, “it isn’t something any stud should do, except under sufferance. But I like my length licked lovingly….” typical, “….and fellatio’s fine if the floozy fancies any form of foreplay first before fucking.”  


Even worse still. “So which school did you attend?” he asked. “It was St Nicholas,” he replied, “the same as Sally….so we had something in common.” Nice….but no cigar, something Groucho Marx never said. “So St Knacks?” he suggested. “No…I always called it St Knicks,” he corrected, “since I’ve never had any interest at all in knackering.” Oops….as Jeanette Diamond reappeared with a rattan. Seconds later, her daughter entered the room, carrying her overnight bag. “Is there a problem, Mum?” she asked, “since I haven’t heard any hits….” her voice trailed off.


“The rule of the house….Mr Pillock….” said The Iced Diamond, icily, clearly mistaking his name on purpose, “….is indeed a Sex Thrashing….as a prerequisite for penile pleasure. No caning….no cunt, it’s very simple and straightforward.” There was a short silence. “Have you mentioned to Roddy anything yet about Sexy Sally’s Scrotum Sufferings?” he asked of her. “Err….not yet, Shagger,” she replied. “They are,” he explained, “a time of testicular trials and tribulations….” up to an hour, “….I’m afraid there’s an unwritten rule at my school which is very apt: There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Fuck.”


This time the silence was a lot longer. “Fair enough,” he said, “I’ll be on my way. I’d have enjoyed doing Mrs Diamond’s deviant darling daughter with my dick, but not when it….well, cums with such conditions….” what wit, “….don’t worry, I’ll show myself out….” he strode from the lounge, in what amounted to high dudgeon, “….and it’s PINNOCK.” Then they heard the front door being slammed shut.


“Well,” said The Tight Diamond, with obvious resignation, “bang goes my bang. Fortunately, it happens only infrequently, when a fella won’t face a flogging….or getting his gonads got good….” she pursed her lips, reflectively, “….on the other hand, perhaps the evening isn’t a total disaster after all? I see Shagger’s wearing some sort of bespoke Savile Row stuff, which makes him seem every inch the corporate Executive….even though I know he isn’t….” his Smart suit, extremely expensively tailored. It was black pinstripe, suitably silky white shirt, with black tie, plus matching black shiny shoes, “….but is nevertheless so delightfully Dominant, and making me moist where it matters….” so another case where material, not manners, maketh the man, “….however he’s called a Casanova….and I’m a cunt. Might his man meat manage one more….in addition to Mum’s?”


So off with the old and on with the new….with him nothing more than a fuckable phallus? Hadn’t the Lovely Ladies Liberation Lobby spent centuries objecting to their treatment as sex objects? Yet in reverse circumstances, when the shoe was on the other foot, they were strangely silent. “I’m always happy to help a damsel in distress,” he said instead, “and yes, I can cope with concurrent cunts….or consecutively, should you be shy about screwing as a Bi-some threesome. But really you were let off lightly, since your former friend Roddy’s an obvious oralophobe, and won’t even please pussy prior to poking.”


There were two smiles. “Which Bimbos did you bonk for your Awesome Foursome last night, Shagger?” asked his Hostess. “It was Mitches And Ritches The Bitches, plus Racy Tracy,” he replied, “Mitchell Mary Murphy, Richella Ruth Rhodes and Theresa Rhys.” There were two wry smiles. “You can fuck me first, Shagger,” said Sexy Sally, “I’m sure Mum won’t mind waiting a while for your willy. If she’s desperate for dick, there’s always dad.” Which was fair comment, so he might have done more than one person a fucking favour? 


“I rather recall your combined cunt currencies amount to a straight eighteen,” he said in slightly strangled tones, “a dozen due and six of the best….always assuming you haven’t increased it….?” she shook her head, “….which is what I took for last night’s nooky. It’s some sinful sixdeen, as we now say at The Styx. Would you like to do the honours, and shall I strip starkers straightaway?” There was a neat nod. “I was going to be the simple subbie slut, Shagger,” said Jeanette Diamond, “so you can be a Dominant dolt with us in turn….after your scrotum and seat have suffered. But for now, bare your bottom for a beating, and lie flat across the settee. Sit, Sally….and he can go across your knee.”


Carefully, he lowered his trousers, followed by underpants. A straining shaft sprang skywards as he folded them neatly to the floor. Impeccable tidiness had been caned into him, firstly by his Mother at home, and secondly at The Styx. “Uhhh….” he moaned, lying on her lap. “Ohh….” he moaned as she locked her legs with his length, “….ohh,” he added as she softly stroked his seat with her slim fingers. “It’s still a neat little bottom, Mum,” she said, “simply Asking for the cane….” thus another two dollars, “….and six serious stripes….so they must have been staccato style in threes….” quite correct, “….which of your fuckers were floggers?” Again easily answered. “It was six strokes each from 3M, The 3Rs and The Token Straight Slut, as she’s often known,” he replied, “all of whom can now cane completely competently, since they’ll be prefects in the autumn. They completed their month-long Caning Training in General Studies during the Summer Term just passed….although two of them at least had already accumulated some swishing skills.” He wouldn’t bother to go into any more details.


“I’ll space this set of stingers between the other stripes, Shagger,” said Jeanette Diamond, “but although I’m an absolute expert with the cane….” a sentiment to which he’d say aye, “….there’s only so much seat. In this sense, it would be better if your bum were bigger.” Sexy Sally sniffed fetchingly, a skill with which she’d always been brilliant. “Alas, it wouldn’t be nearly as neat, Mum,” she said, “so just do your best.” He glanced up, and saw her flexing the cane with her fingers as a prelude to posterior punishment. She’d always been cool, calculating and in control.



“YEEEE..EEEE..HEEE….THREE, thank you, MA’AM,” he yelped. “Have you always liked having her hit your hiney, Shagger?” she asked. “Yes,” he admitted, “from an early age. Although I especially enjoyed it during the term she was my English teacher at The Styx. She whacked me at least once a week, almost always in front of the fellas and floozies. She’d also made a particular point of telling everyone about my likings and lustings for a certain tight twat. I fear this failing followed me around ever afterwards at school.”



“YAROOO..OOOO..HOOO….SIX, thank you, MA’AM,” he gasped. “So tell me,” she continued, “why is it you prefer Mum to me….?” Oops….a Fuck Fork, and one with which he’d need to treat VERY carefully, “….I’m waiting, Shagger….?” The, ‘….and I can wait all night, if necessary,’ didn’t need to be uttered, since they somehow hung in the air.



YIKES..YIKES..YIKES….NINE….a nasty nine, thank you, MA’AM,” he gasped, “first of all, I can confirm your cute cunts are completely comparable.” Which ought to avoid any offence to either party? “Well spoken, Shagger,” said his Hostess.



YEOOWW..OWWW..WOWW….TWELVE….a dozen due, thank you MA’AM,” he gasped, “however as far as I’m aware, Sally’s not especially into either discipline or bondage….” D&B, “….whereas Jeanie’s a disciplinary Domme….” he paused, “….do feel free to correct me if I’m wrong….so to speak.” He’d be happy to contemplate Correction from her at any time.



YEOUCHH..OUCH..OUCH….THIRDEEN, thank you, Ma’am,” he gasped. “Thirteen?” queried Sexy Sally. “No,” he replied, “I’m counting dozenally….it’s formerly a frightful fifteen….ohh….ohh,” he added as she stroked his stripes a second time. “One day I’ll wield the weapon as well, Shagger,” she said, “but you’re right about the bondage.”


There was a short silence. “I’ve stopped short, Shagger….” she said with her cultivated sort of snappy and cute coquettishness. He’d always found it impossible not to fancy it….and her, “….simply out of studied sadism. Should I supply the coups de grâce?” Colloquially called the Cuts Of Grace. “Yes please, Ma’am,” he said humbly, “with me mired in much mental misery. It’s with an already aching arse, yet knowing the caning’s not quite concluded. Unless you were wanting to talk about the weather.” Which was often the case in such circumstances.




“AYEEEEE..HEEE..EEEE….SIXDEEN, thank you so much, MA’AM. This villain values a vapulation for the violation of vivacious vixens’ vulvas.” There were two separate sniffs. “It’s a fella’s flogging for fucking fetching floozies’ fancies,” said Sexy Sally. “Or simply some swishing when one’s shaft seeks sex,” said her Mother. So everyone was agreed with the assessment….or maybe it might be arsessment? “You may stand, Shagger,” she said, “after some competent contrition, as always. Go upstairs with Sally, and sort out her slit….one way or another. I’ll pop into the kitchen first….and find a few reasons for flogging her father. Meet me in The Classroom when you’ve done my darling daughter.”



He arose, taking his clothes in one hand and Sexy Sally in the other. “I think some Lines would fill in the time….guilty girl,” he said sternly, “shall we say six dozen of: Slits Which Screw Studs Should Suffer Sound Strafing.” She shivered slightly. “Yes….Sir,” she replied as they left the lounge, and headed through the hall. “I’ll go first, Shagger,” said Sexy Sally, as she started up the stairs, “since I shall expect some Spying and Straying Up Skirts….ohh….ohh….ohh….you really RUDE wretch.” So who’d asked whom. “No naughty knicks,” he confirmed, having rubbed her rear, “what DID they say at the Conservative Club?”



She wiggled her waist. “Nothing, Shagger,” she said as they reached the top, “since I was wearing them at the time. I gave them to Roddy when we left, as a gesture of good faith….” she shrugged, “….he can keep them as suitable sniffing souvenirs. After all, my choice cunt scent is the closest he’ll….well, cum to me. Despite all his objections, he’s probably a pathetic panty pervert in private. After all, he did talk about St Knicks….” fair comment, “….I don’t remember him, so he must have left school before I arrived. Anyway, one can’t win ’em all, and I’m sure you’ll fill in the gap….so to speak.” Nothing like being a second-best stand-in, as they reached their destination.


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