Thursday, September 29, 2022

Newsletter - September 2022

 The Queen is dead. Long live the King! 

Words which the British haven’t been able to use about their monarchy for 121 years. It was 1901 when Victoria died, with Edward VII ascending to the throne. With two successive male heirs in place, this situation isn’t likely to happen again for at least another century. 

But back to more mundane matters. 

In the cloud (on the email address used for this blog) the promised chapters 128 to 133 have now been uploaded. These cover Theresa Rhys' introduction to St Sticks over the Open Day weekend for Year LXXXIX. They can be viewed on application.

The next series for upload will be chapters 67 - 70, covering Grizelda Gutteridge’s Mental Makeover towards the end of the Summer term in Year LXXXVIII.

Meantime, the first quarter of chapter 235 hits the sales stands (so to speak) on this blog next week. The four parts are a self-contained story covering Shagger's (and others) visits to St Bodlians School in Rugby. It is also one of my own favourites, covering many fun filthy fantasies in a No Tell hotel. 

As has been alluded previously, bad boys are birched bare over the block at St Bowlers....apart from their black bowler hat. Is there a way of working this sort of suffering into St Sticks? Wait and see, as the story unfolds each week.

Best swishes



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