Saturday, January 15, 2022

Welcome to 2022, and we all hope for a better year than 2021 in these uncertain covid times.
Chapter 226 has been emailed as advertized.As for next month, chapter 227 details Domme's return to The Styx, not only to revisit the rattan (which she does during Detention, dished last time) It's a summer Saturday and hence Farmyard Fun And Frolics. She plays a salutary sow, something she was sure she'd never do. Indeed, she once told the Milkmaid she'd rather be dead in a ditch. Things change, and she's patched things up with Richard Sharp. He's asked her out on a date....which will have to keep for chapter 228.In the heady days of Yahoo! there were well over 500 readers in my group. On email it's far less, and has to stay so or Mr Gates thinks I'm a spammer. However there's still some scope for a few more, so should you be aware of anyone who you reckon might like to learn more of St Sticks, please pass on my details to them.Meantime have a happy 2022with best swishesDave


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